Earth Day takes place on the 22nd April every year and is a global movement to protect the planet and secure a sustainable future.
To celebrate Earth day and environmental awareness week, we have developed a downloadable colouring in page for young children and babies to complete and send to us. The winner will receive their favourite Pure Beginnings products to the value of R350. To save the colouring in page, visit our facebook page, right click and save/print the image. All entries to be submitted to by the 30th April 2015.
The Earth Day green schools campaign is a week of educational events and tutorials for schools and children to educate on a sustainable future for us all.
The climate education toolkit is a free, easy-to-use, ready-to-go resource with everything you need. The Toolkit includes a week’s worth of lesson plans, activities, and contests. Each day covers a different theme related to climate change with two highlighted activities handpicked by Earth Day Network for your use. These are fantastic resources for any mom, dad, educator or influencer to help our children understand the issues we face and the tangible ways in which they can make a difference.
For adults, visit the Earth Organisation website and take action through the many varied ways in which each person can now contribute. Be part of the greatest global grass roots movement in the world, to save our world.