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We all experience pregnancy differently – sure – but there are a few perks that come with it!

Pregnancy often starts with a huge wave of excitement, but this can quickly turn into anxiety and nervousness when faced with the strange physical changes happening to your body and the awful bouts of nausea.

However, your body is not the only thing changing – your identity shifts, your emotions heighten and your mind races. Whilst all of this can be daunting and overwhelming, we wanted to remind you that, despite all the scary stuff, there are some incredible benefits to being pregnant:

  1. You have created pure magic. You are now a bona fide magic-maker. There is an actual human growing within your body. Think about that for a minute, you superhero you.
  2. You can’t be judged on your sense of style. Pregnancy is all about comfy everything. No firm jeans or tight heels. Tracksuit pants and stretchy waistbands for the win!
  3. You can’t be blamed for the (very necessary) afternoon naps. Take them and enjoy them – rest is so important.
  4. Those swollen feet? They need a massage…
  5. People (should) offer to help wherever necessary. You have every reason to now ‘starfish’ on the double bed.
  6. If you’re lucky, your hair will grow, and your skin will glow!
  7. Reality check! Pregnancy offers you the opportunity to take stock of your life, practise gratitude, be amazed with your body and in awe of the season ahead.
  8. Food-fest. You want that ice cream? Eat it! You feel like nachos, pizza, Mexican or a poke bowl? Tap that Uber Eats or Mr D app and order it. No judgement.
  9. You have an excuse to cancel plans. If you’re just not feeling it and need some space, no one can accuse you of fading when you’re pregnant. Blame pregnancy-fatigue.
  10. Forgot to buy milk? No big deal. You surely can’t remember everything when you have pregnancy brain! It’s a real thing, and a solid reason to give yourself, your changing body, your overwhelmed mind, and your waddling self, some grace.

You got this mama!

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The purpose of the Pure Beginnings blog is to educate and provide awareness of our products, ingredients and a more natural and healthier lifestyle. Although every effort is made to provide information that is true, factually correct and beneficial to our customers and followers, the content on the blog is not a substitute for professional medical or healthcare advice, diagnosis, treatment, dietary, or safety advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified experts with any questions you may have regarding a medical question, condition, or safety concern. Reliance on information presented on this blog is at your own risk.